Irene Armishaw (born 1963) is a Manitoba politician. Born Irene Edmondson in the farming town of Oakville, Manitoba, she is the daughter of Mark Edmondson, a farmer and one-time political candidate. Married in 1983 to David Armishaw, she has 2 children, Bradley and Cheryl.
In the early 1990s Armishaw became involved in the federal Canada Party running on a platform that focused on economic and banking reform, as well as several of the policies held by the Mantitoba Reform (CoR) Party. In the wake of the 1993 federal election, the party began to break down, and due to health issues, Armishaw was forced to leave politics. Party leader Claire Foss would rally the party remains behind Paul Hellyer's Canadian Action Party, which Foss would briefly lead. Armishaw's daughter, Cheryl Armishaw (born 1986), has recently become involved in politics. She is heavily involved in both her provincial and federal Conservative Party riding associations.[1][2]